Rodent Control Services – Auckland Wide
Don’t let your home or commercial building be at risk of a rat or mice infestation!
Let Direct Pest Control exterminate rats and mice in your home, office or warehouse. We offer effective rodent control and guaranteed results.
Our houses and office buildings are the ideal homes for rats and mice, especially in the cooler months as they provide food, water, warmth, and shelter. While there are a lot of Do-It-Yourself options available, the long-term success rate is not high.
Our experienced professionals know exactly what to look for and how to prevent rodents from invading your space – now and in the future. Direct Pest Control’s highly skilled technicians will meticulously inspect your property and quickly take the best course of action to get rid of the rodents for good.
Rodents are disease carriers & damage property
Rats and mice carry disease to humans via their droppings or urine
They spread sickness and death via parasites such as fleas and intestinal worms
Rodents cause extensive physical damage to doors, skirting boards, books,
food containers, and upholsteryThey contaminate food with their droppings, urine, or fur
Rodents have also been known to cause fires by chewing through wire and cables
Signs of rodent activity include:
Droppings and a distinct ammonia-like smell
Rub marks on surfaces such as walls and doors
Burrows and holes around the buildings or your property
Scurrying sounds at night in crawl spaces or behind walls
Nests made of paper scraps or plastic
Gnawing marks, ripped food parcels, or scratching sounds